Fear-Free Dentistry

Does the thought of calling our office to schedule an appointment send you into a panic? Do you become so nervous before an appointment that you have a hard time eating or sleeping? If you have been avoiding scheduling an appointment or visiting our office for a hygiene examination or needed treatment, there is no need to hold off any longer. We know that dental fears and phobias exist for some of our patients. We never want anyone to avoid getting the dental care they need, so we have a solution to help you get your needed treatments, while staying in a relaxed state. Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Read on to learn more.

Link Between Overall And Oral Health

At Joel D. Singer, DMD, we offer a holistic approach to dentistry where we not only have a concern about oral health, but we also focus on the overall health and well-being of our patients. An ordinary dental practice may not be interested in topics like your medical history, medications you take, or your exercise and eating habits, but we don’t practice ordinary dentistry. We like to look at our patients as a whole and use as much information about your overall health as we can to treat your dental health.

Aftercare Is Just As Important As Treatment

Are you scheduled to receive dental treatment in our office in the near future? We see a number of patients in the office daily for various treatments that are used to improve the function and appearance of their teeth and smile. Following the completion of treatment, we review with every patient any instructions and restrictions necessary in the coming days. We want to stress the importance of following our directions, no matter how your mouth and gums may be feeling. Read on to learn about the serious danger you can cause to your oral health when care instructions are not properly followed.

Are You Looking to Replace a Tooth?

Have you recently had a tooth extracted or have you been told that you have a dead tooth and need to choose a tooth replacement option? We know that it can be upsetting to deal with a missing or dead tooth and equally overwhelming to choose a tooth replacement option that will fit into your lifestyle as well as your budget. We are here to tell you that you are not alone in the process. Dr. Singer is dedicated to helping each and every patient understand their choices and make a well-informed decision on which method is best for their circumstances.

What Could That Pain In Your Jaw Be Telling You?

Do you find that you wake up most mornings with unexplained headaches? Have you noticed an increase in jaw and facial tenderness? It is not uncommon to experience these discomforts on occasion, but when it becomes routine, is happening frequently, or you are experiencing both symptoms simultaneously, it is a warning sign that something may be amiss with your oral health. These signs all lead to a common underlying condition that many patients are not familiar with. Continue reading to learn more about this condition and the importance of treating it in a timely manner.

Enamel Erosion: What Causes It and How to Solve the Problem

Have you been experiencing extreme tooth sensitivity recently and aren’t quite sure of the cause? It is very possible you might be experiencing the result of enamel erosion. Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth. Even though it is quite thin, it is the strongest substance in your body. Although strong, the enamel is not indestructible. Enamel can begin to wear away over time from normal wear and tear. However, there are many outside influences that can also cause enamel to show signs of wear.

Smile Bright This Summer And Beyond

Summer has arrived in NJ, and we hope you are enjoying the weather as much as we are. Beautiful weather aside, we also couldn’t be any happier that we are able to be out and about enjoying time spent with our family and friends this summer. Now that mask wearing has become optional and attending events has become more common, are you unhappy with the brightness of your smile and long to make a change? Summer is a great time to consider teeth whitening. You can enjoy the benefits for the remainder of the summer and continue the enjoyment into the fall and winter holidays. Interested in learning more about the treatment that will leave your teeth as bright as the sun? Continue reading to learn more.

Three Healthy Habits for a Healthy Mouth

Have you been lax with your oral health and care in the last few years and are looking to make a change towards a healthier lifestyle? The good news is that it is always the perfect time to improve your oral health. The best part is that it is not difficult to change your ways. By simply adding some steps to create a new routine, it can easily lead you to a life of healthy dental habits.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do For You

Would you love to make a change to your smile this summer? Whether you are unhappy with the way your teeth function or you would love to change the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, we can help you. We offer a number of cosmetic dental treatments that can help with any problem you have with your teeth and your smile. These treatments can help improve teeth that are stained, discolored, worn, chipped, broken, misaligned, misshapen, or have gaps between them. Read on to learn about the different options we offer to improve your smile.

Frequent Questions About Holistic Dentistry Answered

Are you interested in taking a more natural approach to different aspects of your life? Over the past few years, there has been an influx of companies and products that follow a more natural, or holistic approach. After the circumstances of the past year, many adults have been re-evaluating their medical care, and that includes the care of their oral health. Joel D. Singer, DMD practices an alternative approach to dentistry that recognizes the connection between your overall health and the health of your teeth and gums. Our practice believes in using safe, non-toxic materials and state-of-the art technology to support your oral health. We wanted to answer some of the most popular questions we are asked about how we mesh standard dentistry with holistic approaches.